Apple specifies that artwork must be a minimum size of 1400 x 1400 pixels and a maximum size of 3000 x 3000 pixels, in JPEG or PNG format, 72 dpi, with appropriate file extensions (.jpg. You can also upload unique images for each episode. You can upload an image to represent your podcast as a series. To learn about changing the image for a podcast, read the Support Guide titled Custom Media Library Thumbnail. For even greater detail, explore podcast documentation on Apple's website. This guide outlines the Apple iTunes podcast specification's metadata elements and defines their use. While Warpwire attempts to create default metadata for podcast RSS feeds, you can greatly enhance the quality of information by creating a Metadata Profile with the information you want to include when publishing your podcast. These RSS feeds are frequently used to publish a Warpwire Media Library as a podcast via either Apple iTunes or the Google Play Store. You can read about how to share an RSS feed here. Warpwire allows users to generate an RSS feed for any Media Library with publicly shared content.
Create, Edit, and Delete Tags for your Account.Embed media on an External Website with Asset-level Security.